Free Sample | Feel healthier by drinking coffee
Free Sample | Feel healthier by drinking coffee
Free Sample | Feel healthier by drinking coffee
Free Sample | Feel healthier by drinking coffee

Free Sample | Feel healthier by drinking coffee

Just pay shipping and handling.

4.9/5 by hundreds of happy customers.

Tasting is believing. Give one, or three! of our samples a good taste and we know it will become your new favorite coffee alternative.

Packaging is 100% compostable and biodegrade in commercial compost systems. Make brand down in home hot compost systems.

3 Single Serve (10g) Packets


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Fuel a healthier life in 3 simple steps.


Feel healthier and more energized with Root & Rise Coffee.

Improve your digestion and gut microbiome.

Naturally low acidity. Dandelion helps improve digestive juice flow, remove built up waste in the gut, and encourages beneficial microbes to live in your gut.

Improve Blood Flow and Quality.

Better blood flow helps with body heat regulation, delivering nutrients to your cells, and removing waste from the body. By cleansing and building the blood you will feel more vigor and energy naturally.

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Sharpen your focus and memory.

Who doesn't want better focus without having to deal with the side effects of caffeine? Instantly you can feel your attention pulled into your center. With focus  and memory increasing over time.

Enjoy an alternative that actually tastes better.

Many brands make you sacrifice flavor to switch off coffee, Root & Rise Coffee improved upon coffee's delicious taste. The caramelized chocolatey notes leave a richer taste in your mouth minus coffee's bitter acidity.

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"A delicious coffee, with awesome benefits and tastes great black. As a coffee lover who drinks too much coffee..."